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Kamis, 04 September 2014

TARI PIRING {DANCE PLATE} minangkabau,sumatera barat,indonesia



Dance the plate is one of the traditional dances that originated from Minangkabau, West Sumatra. This dance is a kind of dance move quickly to the plate as the main media while accompanied by music and saluang telempong. And this dance is a traditional folk dance type                                                                                                                                                    

Dancing Plate or in the Minangkabau language called Piriang Dance is one of the Minangkabau traditional dance originating from the city of Solok, West Sumatra province. This dance is played by using the plate as the main medium. The plates were then rocked with quick movements regular, without departing from the hand grip.
Indonesia does have a variety of interesting and beautiful culture. The geographical location and ethnic diversity in the archipelago also produce diverse art and culture is full of charm respectively. Various types of dances are interesting and unique also be evidence of cultural diversity of Indonesia. One is the origin Minang Plate Dance.


How to Dance Dance Plate

There are various ways or versions to dance Plate Dance, depending on the place or village or area where the Plate Dance practiced. But not much distinction between one place to another place, especially the concept, approach and style offerings. As a whole, to understand how sesebuah Plate Dance presented, the following is the sequence or composition sesebuah offering.

a. Initial preparation.

It is customary bahawa sesebuah arts offerings should earnestly with a neat inventory. Before sesebuah offerings are held, in addition to training for mengujudkan efficiency, the dancers dance Plate penafasan also should have a good workout that is not chaotic when making offerings.
By the day or time of the offering, the dancers dance Plate must necessarily ensure that Pring-plates which they will use to be in good condition. Yangretak or cleft plate should diketepikan or replaced with another, so as not to endanger yourself or samada crowded people watching. When the dancers also have to decide the number of dishes that will be used.
Immediately after the end of Silat Pulut offerings before the bride and groom, the plates will be arranged in a variety of shapes and composition in the presence of the bride and groom followed by the required amount and suitability Plate Dance dancers region. In the same period, Plate Dance dancers have been getting ready to sheathe two typical ring shape, iaitu one on the right hand and the left hand dijari. The dancers then holding a plate or flat is not cracked or chipped.

b. Dance commences.
Plate Dance will be started as well as most discussions tambourine and gong is struck by the musicians. Plate Dance dancers will launch the 'worship bride' as much as three times as a sign of respect to the bride iaitu; worship bride bride worshiped before hand on the left hand worship bride on the right hand

c. during dancing

Finished with three brides worship rank, will launch Plate Dance dancers dance to reach the plate in place in front of him and swung her left hand to the right and follow rentak muzik played. Dancers will then stand up and first tread or trample one by one the dishes that had been developed earlier as he was heading towards the bride and groom in front of him. In habit, Plate Dance dancers will ensure bahawa all the dishes that had been set dipijak. After all the plates are finished dipijak, Plate Dance dancers will step stride with the original tread plates that had been developed earlier. Dancers should not membelakangkan bride.
In the same period both hands will quest dihayun to the right and to the left while producing sound 'ting ting ting ting .......' results knock radius ring of dancers that have disarung bottom plate portion invitation. Every now and then, both the palms are placed dipusing-plate would confuse up and down as well as if memusing-musingkannya at the top of the head

Ending offerings

an offering by someone Plate Dance dancers will only end when all the dishes have dipijak and dancer closes his offering to perform worship or worship bridal cover once again. Also end with a closing worship three worship bride with the following composition; worship bride bride worshiped right hand to the left hand side before the worship bride hand

5. entire period Dancing

The entire period or term Plate Dance dancer dancing olehseorang is dependent on the efficiency and proficiency dancers themselves. Efficiency and proficiency menghayun plates were equilibrated to the beat of a very perIu ring. Plate Dance dancers are not trained may contribute to a plate that is placed at the site irrespective hand and fell to the ground. Usually this is very embarrassing incidents like the dancers.
studio Cahayo
In the same period the propriety dancers foot to tread plates that had been developed also will affect the entire period sesebuah Plate Dance. But on the whole, a person will only Plate Dance dancer dancing in the entire period between three to five minutes most discussions. Thus, in the usual, sesebuah Plate Dance offerings before the bride will just take time not exceeding 15 minutes, with offerings Plate Dance by between three to seven people. PerIu emphasized bahawa sesebuah offerings Plate Dance dancers must be accompanied by the odd numbers eg one, three, five, seven or nine people.

costum Plate

In habit, colorful clothes and beautiful is the case for the compulsory dance sesebuah. But for Plate Dance, dressed in Malay and adequate with bersamping only. Shirt color is also up to the dancers themselves to decide. However, bright colors such as red and yellow are often the choice for his deep Plate Dance dancer he is more easily seen by the audience.

Dance music in Plate

Instruments used to accompany the Plate Dance, sufficient to blow most discussions tambourine and Gong. Gong is very crucial blows his deep it will be a guide to determine the pace and dancer for Dance plate motion. In habit, Tambourine collection that accompany and paraded the bride and groom are given the responsibility to accompany offerings Plate Dance. However, in certain circumstances Plate Dance may also be accompanied by other instruments such as Talempong and genders.

Falsafah Plate Dance

Plate Dance has a great role in the marriage customs of Minangkabau society. Basically, the offerings sesebuah Plate Dance in majlis-majlis marriage is for entertainment purposes only. However, these offerings may play a role is more than that. Plate Dance offerings in sesebuah majlis should perkawinnan dirasai role by four parties, namely; the bride and groom to host the people crowded to the dancers themselves

  Plate Dance before they are complementary to the same historic period tersebut.Dalam bridal couple will be tasted that their presence as 'king for a day' is being awaited by the people crowded the symbolic 'welcome' through the Plate Dance. The same thing will dirasai by both the mother and the father of the bride family. They feel bahawa persandingan majlis is not finished and incomplete if not accompanied by offerings Plate Dance.

Among those who attended the wedding crowded that, other than as an entertainment, they should give encouragement to the Plate Dance dancers to create better offerings and menyeronokkan. In fact, sometimes people crowded the watch will participate accompany these offerings, merely to enliven the atmosphere or to demonstrate their skill. This situation is also due to somewhat differing Plate Dance dancers themselves. Plate Dance dancer than half are still single, shows their dancing prowess is to 'lure' escort girls than those who come or compatriot girls who were watching their offerings.

An interesting case for Plate Dance performances iyalah skill and prowess trample glass dancers on stage as an end to sacrifice Plate Dance. In this offering glass that has been broken is between three to eight centimeters in placed on a stage which later dipijak-step on the foot by the dancers. Symbolic yes to this event was "going through the carrier dish or tread plate glass broken during the presentation they bring side dishes. Leg injuries are not dancers.


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